By Matt Piccarello
the fire networks Blog
We feature stories and information from a diversity of perspectives including successes, lessons learned, resources, and even failures related to community wildfire resilience.
Each blog is categorized by the blue topical sections of the FAC Graphic to the right. Looking for inspiration or where to begin with a new element of fire adaptation? Sort the posts by topic using the filter feature below.
Editor’s Note: Content is contributed by practitioners from around the world. Publication does not necessarily indicate an endorsement by the Fire Networks, network members, or funders. While posts are edited for clarity and length, stories are from the authors’ perspective and voice. We strive to create an open learning environment where a variety of perspectives can be heard. See our blog commenting policy.
Do you have a resilience or fire adaptation story to share? Fill out THIS FORM to pitch us your idea!
Facilitative Leadership: Concepts Every Wildland Fire Leader Can Use
By Wendy Fulks
Stop Winging It with Residents: What Works, and What Doesn’t
By Allison Jolley
Wildfire Smoke Resilience Resources from the EPA
By Alan Vette, Environmental Protection Agency, Air and Energy National Research Program
Nine Fact Sheets That Will Make Your Job Easier: NFPA Resources about Wildfire-Resilient Homes
By Cathy Prudhomme, National Fire Protection Association
Why the Ferguson Fire Didn’t Destroy Yosemite West: 15 Years of Wildfire Mitigation Generates a California Wildfire Success
By John Mock, Ph.D. and Kimberley O’Neil
Fantastic Failure: Shared Vision, Shattered Trust
By Bill Tripp
Happy New Year! Seven Fire Adaptation Videos to Watch Before Launching into 2019.
By Allison Jolley
Talking about Lighting Fire Near Recently Burned Communities: Communications at the Southern Blue Ridge TREX
By Jenifer Bunty, Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers and Scientists
Fire Adaptation Public Policy: West Coast Updates
By Allison Jolley
Unsung Heroes of the 1988 Yellowstone Fires: Church Leaders and Farmers
By Liz Davy, Paula Nelson, Matthew Ward
Using Community Base Maps to Improve the Safety and Effectiveness of Wildfire Response
By Mike Caggiano, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute, Colorado State University