Our Network
Built to support and celebrate the work of its members, FAC Net is a national community that connects fire adaptation leaders across the country. Our network staff provide access to funding opportunities, professional development events, toolkit development, and personalized resource curation. Our network members share lessons learned, networking opportunities, and peer networking. Together, we work to transform the future of fire across the country and beyond.

Who Are FAC Net Members?
Our members come from a variety of nonprofits, fire departments, land managers, Fire Safe Councils, Firewise communities, local, state, and federal governments, and academic institutions. By connecting as part of the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network, they are sharing knowledge across sectors, finding innovative solutions to complex problems, and building more resilient local and national systems.
What Do FAC Net Members Do?

Fire adaptation is a complex topic, and network members do work across an array of programs. This fire adapted communities “framework,” or the FAC wheel as it’s affectionately known, was developed by network members and staff to help show the wide variety of activities and systems that are included in fire adaptation.
As part of FAC Net, members have access to a suite of resources and learning opportunities to help them expand fire adaptation programming in their local areas. Members can also share lessons learned, help design learning and training sessions, and write blog posts for a national audience. They also have access to exclusive funding opportunities and conversations with blog post authors and subject matter experts that bring the latest research direct to FAC Net members.
Featured Members

Membership At A Glance
We encourage anyone interested in FAC Net to apply for membership!
Our services are free and open to anyone who is working on fire adaptation with their communities and organizations. Some membership restrictions apply if you are outside of the United States.