Type: Featured, Guides | Topic: General FAC
The tool combines insights and experiences from community-based wildfire resilience practitioners and researchers who have been studying the factors that influence community adaptation for more than 20 years. Completing the steps outlined in this tool will result in:...
Type: Featured, Graphics, Guides | Topic: General FAC
This graphic was designed to help explain the fire adapted communities (FAC) framework. It describes a set of components that make up community wildfire adaptation, and gives examples of specific programs and activities that communities can undertake to reduce their...
Type: Featured, Graphics | Topic: General FAC, Spanish / Español
Este gráfico de recuperación de incendios forestales fue desarrollado por practicantes de la Red FAC para abordar la diversidad de necesidades comunitarias y de paisaje luego de un incendio forestal y para proveer un marco de referencia común para discusiones...
Type: Featured, Graphics | Topic: Recovery
This wildfire recovery graphic was developed by FAC Net practitioners to address the diversity of community and landscape needs after wildfire and to provide a common framework for post-fire discussions. The graphic, by practitioners and for practitioners, integrates...