Photo by Pam Wilson

So, you keep hearing buzz about Prep Day, but aren’t sure what to do for it in your community. (Remind me, what does Prep Day stand for? Oh, that’s right, National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day.)

First things first — you can do something for more than one day, if you want to. The National Fire Protection Association’s Prep Day is officially scheduled for May 4, 2019. However, if it sounds too hard to fit all of your Prep Day ambitions into one day, good news: some communities celebrate Prep Day for an entire week or month.

OK, so length and timing are cleared up, but that still leaves the what.

Check out the detailed list of project ideas below for inspiration and direction regarding potential projects to do with your community. In addition to project overviews, the list provides information about costs, equipment, planning needs, etc. Each project also has a FAC Net point of contact listed, should you want additional information.

Want to print or download the project list above? Access it from our resources section.

Not sure which project to choose? Take this four-question quiz for a recommendation tailored to your budget, audience and desired outcome.

Once you have a project in mind, be sure to download NFPA’s Prep Day toolkit (PDF, 2.21MB), full of checklists, templates for outreach materials and more.

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